Star Wars: Andor special issue

Star Wars: Andor special issue

Red Futures is an online Marxist science fiction magazine. It publishes new fiction and writing on science fiction, including the recently edited collection on The Expanse. This call for submissions aims to discuss Star Wars: Andor from multiple angles and approaches, bringing together a collection that reflects on both the series and contemporary science fiction more widely.

Star Wars: Andor is one series in a new wave of Disney+ television that builds on the franchise. It follows Cassian Andor and the first steps of the rebellion against the Empire. From the start of the series, it is clear that this is a different entry into the franchise. There are no Jedi knights; the story is darker and takes a much more political direction. It details what it takes to start a rebellion, the power struggles within the Imperial Security Bureau, and organising in prison. So far, one season is available, with another still in development. The end of the story is, of course, already known: it leads up to the events in Rogue One.

Submissions could include the following: cultural criticism of Andor; Marxist analysis of the series or a particular aspect; the representation of revolutions and authoritarianism; how Andor relates to the Star Wars franchise; reflections on the significance or impact more widely; creative responses that do not have to take an essay form; or any other ideas you may have.

We are aiming for a collection of accessibly written pieces with a maximum word count of 4,000 words (with different limits for other formats if needed). At this stage, we ask potential contributors to send a paragraph of no more than 100 words outlining the proposed contribution by 30 September 2023. The deadline for drafts of accepted contributions is 15 December 2023. We will then edit the pieces to finish the collection in 2024. We intend to hold an in-person event in London to launch the publication online and as a printed book.

We particularly want to invite new and first-time writers. If you have an idea but want some help shaping it, we would be happy to discuss the options. If you are interested in submitting or have any questions, please fill out the contact form or email:


  • 30 September 2023 - Submission of 100-word max proposed contribution
  • 15 December 2023 - Deadline for the submission of first drafts